The Power of Going Solar
By: Smile Elite
July 11, 2024

Harnessing Nature’s Power

Australia, the home of sweeping landscapes and abundant sunshine, is ideally positioned to harness solar energy, an endeavour that has seen exponential growth over the past 15 years. The surge in solar adoption is propelling Australia towards a sustainable future while offering substantial financial benefits for homeowners and businesses alike.

“In the last 2-3 years we have seen a rapid increase of new homeowners enquiring to see if their home has Solar and in the last 12 months a huge increase in asking about the inclusion of batteries. There is certainly value knowing that your home comes with zero power bills and unlimited power during a black out, all while doing something great for the environment.”  Matt Harold –  Enviro Projects Commercial and Residential Solar Experts - QLD, NSW, VIC.

The Solar Boom: The Future of Solar Energy in Australia 

Currently, one in three Australian homes boasts a solar power system. This widespread adoption is driven not just by the environmental benefits, but also by significant advancements in technology and attractive financial incentives. Homeowners can receive rebates ranging from $2,000 to $8,000, while businesses might see rebates as high as $50,000, depending on the system size.

Clean Energy Council/Government Programs

Energy NSW Government Switch Solar

Environmental and Economic Benefits

Solar energy is not only clean and renewable but also economically sensible. With energy bills continually rising, solar energy is the best thing you can do to assist with those dreaded quarterly bills. Homeowners installing solar systems can expect a dramatic 50-70% reduction in energy bills. With an average investment of $10,000 in solar technology, the annual savings on power can amount to about $3,000, meaning the system pays for itself in just 3-5 years. Over its lifetime, a well-maintained solar system can last 30 years or more, underlining the long-term viability and benefits of this investment.

The solar sector is swiftly moving towards integrated battery storage solutions. This is a response to the typical household power usage, which peaks in the evenings from 5pm to 10pm. By storing solar energy generated during the day, homeowners can use it at night when needed, thus maximising their use of solar power, and further reducing reliance on the grid.

Solar Consumer Guide | 

Positive Impact on Property Values 

Adding solar panels not only slashes power bills but can also boost property values. A compelling example is a home in Gympie, which, with a $30,000 investment in solar and battery systems, sold for $80,000 more than similar properties in the area. This substantial increase in property value illustrates the growing consumer preference for environmentally friendly homes equipped with sustainable technologies. Compared to homes without solar power, those with solar can potentially sell up to 20% faster. Just another way solar power can add value, whilst reducing your carbon footprint to help the environment.

Tips for Prospective Solar Adopters

For those considering solar energy, here are five key tips to ensure the best outcome:

1. Choose a Reputable Supplier: Research and select a provider with a strong track record and positive reviews.

2. Quality Solar Products: Select panels offering long warranties—ideally 30 years—as this indicates good quality and durability.

3. Invest in a Good Inverter: The inverter is a critical component of the solar system; look for brands that have been in the market for over a decade.

4. Understand the Financials Clearly: Make sure the cost savings and benefits are clearly explained to avoid any misunderstandings.

5. Get Multiple Quotes: To ensure competitive pricing and service, obtain quotes from several providers and avoid ‘pushy’ providers.

Here are some helpful tips for getting the most out of solar energy at home:   

  1. Use electricity during the day when solar power is being produced.  
  2. Adjust your water heater to heat up during the day when electricity is usually cheaper instead of at night.   
  3. Cool your house with the air-conditioner during the day and turn it off at night.  
  4. Set the pool pump to run during the day, not at night.  
  5. Use energy-saving LED lights or bulbs in the evenings.  
  6. Upgrade old appliances like refrigerators that use a lot of power.

The Future is Bright

The journey towards a sustainable energy future is also supported by government initiatives under the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, encouraging investment in renewable technologies through financial incentives like small-scale technology certificates (STCs).

Embracing solar energy represents a proactive step towards reducing your carbon footprint and achieving energy independence. With ongoing advancements in solar technology and storage, combined with supportive government policies, the potential for solar energy in Australia is limitless.

By investing in solar, homeowners not only benefit financially but also contribute to the global effort against climate change, making a positive impact for future generations. For anyone considering this green leap, the current landscape offers more opportunities than ever to make a difference both economically and environmentally.

As the solar industry continues to evolve, the advice from experts and those who have navigated the path is vital. Engaging with reputable providers and staying informed about the latest technologies and incentives will ensure that the benefits of solar energy are fully realised.

Acknowledgments: EnviroProjects, Clean Energy Council/Govt programs,, Solar Emporium

Photo: Thanks to Enviro Projects